De Vries Song Seed 3 ltr is a balanced and complete food especially for canaries, packed with healthy grains and seeds. Pamper your canary with this delicious food from De Vries. The healthy grains and seeds in this food provide your winged friend with all the necessary nutrients and taste delicious!
- Food for canaries from De Vries
- Complete food
- Packed with healthy grains and seeds
Content: 3 liters
- Food for canaries from De Vries
- Complete food
- Packed with healthy grains and seeds
Content: 3 liters
Composition: seeds, fruit pellets, bird biscuits, egg food, bird grit minerals
Analytical constituents: crude protein 16.5%, crude fat 17.5%, crude fiber 7.4%, calcium 1.5g, phosphorus 4.9g.