Biokat's cat litter Micro Fresh Summerbreeze 14 ltr
Biokat's Micro Fresh Summerbreeze 14 ltr cat litter is a very fine-grained cat litter with a high absorption capacity and solid clumps for a hygienic and easy-to-clean litter box with a fresh scent. This very fine grain has a soft structure due to the extra fine grain and is produced without chemical additives. The grit has an absorption capacity of no less than 300%: this means that 1 litre of gravel binds 3 litres of liquid! This keeps the litter box dry, hygienic and prevents unpleasant odours. The litter forms solid, flat clumps that are easy to scoop out, so that the litter box is fresh again in no time.
- Very fine litter
- Clumping, forms flat, solid clumps
- High absorption capacity of 300
- Offers high hygiene and odor binding
- In an environmentally friendly paper bag
- With a delicious, fresh summer scent
Content: 14 liters
Biokat's Micro Fresh Summerbreeze 14 ltr cat litter is a very fine-grained cat litter with a high absorption capacity and solid clumps for a hygienic and easy-to-clean litter box with a fresh scent. This very fine grain has a soft structure due to the extra fine grain and is produced without chemical additives. The grit has an absorption capacity of no less than 300%: this means that 1 litre of gravel binds 3 litres of liquid! This keeps the litter box dry, hygienic and prevents unpleasant odours. The litter forms solid, flat clumps that are easy to scoop out, so that the litter box is fresh again in no time.
- Very fine litter
- Clumping, forms flat, solid clumps
- High absorption capacity of 300
- Offers high hygiene and odor binding
- In an environmentally friendly paper bag
- With a delicious, fresh summer scent
Content: 14 liters